Who is Eeva-Jonna?
- Senior Software Developer, Accessibility Specialist at Futurice (Finland)
- IAAP CPWA - Certified Professional in Web Accessibility
- Blogger, Speaker, Award Winner and Finalist
- Ultimate Frisbee player and kayaker
Why We Need Reduced Motion?
Who Benefits From Reduced Motion?
- People with vestibular disorders
- Vestibular disorder is an umbrella term for multiple different conditions affecting the vestibular system.
- It can be caused by an injury, illness, or a genetic condition, but the cause remains unknown in some cases
- Symptoms can be anything from dizziness to nausea and hearing changes.
- People who are prone to migraines, or who have epilepsy.
- People, who get sidetracked easily (for example, ADHD, ADD, Autism).
And Who Doesn't?
- People with cognitive disabilities might benefit from animations, that communicate for example relationships of different elements, or give clues on how to interact with the element.
Problematic Movement
Factors, that can make the movement or animation problematic:
- relative size of the movement is big
- distance covered is big
- mismatched directions and speed
These are based on Val Head's article on A List Apart, here's a link: Val Head - Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity
Reducing Motion in Action
Media Feature
In Media Queries level 5 specification, there is a media feature called prefers-reduced-motion
. It is still a draft, but the support is good, all the other browsers except IE.
.animated-content {
animation: 3s linear 1s infinite alternate slidein;
@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
.animated-content {
animation: fade 0.5s ease-in both;
const prefersReducedMotion =
const reduceMotionChanges = () => {
if (pefersReducedMotion.matches) {
// Handle reduced motion
media="(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" />
alt="This Alt-text describes
all the images within picture" />
A Play GIF-button with React
- The
-hook is from Josh Comeau's blogpost, and the code is behind this link.
const GifWithPlayButton = () => {
const [play, setPlay] = useState(false)
const prefersReducedMotion = usePrefersReducedMotion()
const handleClick = () => setPlay(!play)
const text = play ? "Pause" : "Play"
retun (
<h2>With controls</h2>
{prefersReducedMotion &&
<button onClick={handleClick}>{text}</button>
{!play && (
media="(prefers-reduced-motion)" />
`A cat sewing yellow-green cloth
with a sewing machine.`
If you're interested in a demo I did about GIFs and prefers-reduced-motion
, it was on React Finland - Vodcast 2 (Accessibility). It explains these concepts a bit deeper, with live coding.
- MDN - prefers-reduced-motion
- Val Head - Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity
- Vestibular.orf - About Vestibular Disorders
- Josh Comeau - Accessible Animations in React - The “prefers-reduced-motion” Hook
- Chris Coyier - Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two
- Chris Coyier - GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion
- React Finland - Vodcast 2 (Accessibility)