Accessibility Tests in Compose - Name, Role, Value
Reading time: about 6 minutes

When writing tests for your app, you should also consider testing for accessibility-related things. And I get it; it can be challenging to know where to start. So, I decided to write this blog post about how to test some accessibility aspects.
In this post, we will add some accessibility-related tests for three custom components constructed with the help of clickable
, selectable
, and toggleable
modifiers. These components were built in a blog post I wrote: Improving Android Accessibility with Modifiers in Jetpack Compose.
What Are We Testing?
The tests we're writing verify that the components have names, roles, and values. But where does this group come from? The background is that Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) has a success criterion, "Name, Role, Value", which ensures that every element has a programmatically determinable name and role. Also, states, properties, and values that users can change are programmatically changeable.
And now, if you wonder why I'm mentioning something named "Web," the WCAG is also used to determine the minimum level of accessibility for mobile apps as well, despite the name.
Name, in this case, means the accessible name—so, the textual representation of the element. It can be, for example, a button's text, an icon button's content description, a label for a switch, or similar. It's what anyone using a screen reader hears. Voice access users use it to activate interactive elements.
Role, on the other hand, is the role of the element. It can be, for example, a button - which tells the user that, hey, this is a button, and it should behave as a button. A role is a promise of how things should work, so if you add a role, be sure to add the correct interactions as well. However, roles are used less on Android than on the web.
Value can refer to an element's state, property, or value. The exact thing is different per element. For example, with a checkbox, the value tells if it is checked, or with an accordion, it's the state that tells if it's opened or closed.
In the next section, we'll examine concrete examples of how to test the "Name, Role, Value" success criterion for a couple of custom components mentioned in the intro.
Writing the Tests, an Example
As mentioned in the beginning, these tests are written for components for a blog post I've written previously. We'll look into how to test three components: A switch, a radio button group, and a clickable row.
As the components in the blog posts were simplified for the sake of an example, these tests are also streamlined. With production-grade code, you usually have a bit more sophisticated strategies for, for example, finding the components that are being tested.
The first component we're testing is a switch like in the picture:
We want to test three things: First, we want to ensure the component has an accessible name (so, the label of the switch). Second, the role should be correct—it should be a toggleable component. Third, the value should be correct before and after toggling the switch, so whether the switch is on or off.
Let's write a test:
class ToggleableTest {
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
fun hasRoleNameValue() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
ModifiersExampleTheme {
val toggleableElement =
// Assert accessible name
// Assert role
// Assert value
First, the test needs a setup, so we need things like the composeTestRule
and setting the content. Then we get the testable component with a test tag accessible-toggle
. Finally, we have the tests for name, role, and value.
The test for checking the name is straightforward: We want to ensure that the element's text content equals the word on the label. We can assert that with assertTextEquals
. To test the role, we can use a useful assert function, assertIsToggleable
. Finally, to check if the value (so, the checked state) is correct, we can also use the utility functions assertIsOff
and assertIsOn
and, for toggling the state, performClick
The next component we're testing is a radio button group, as seen in the picture:
For this component, we ensure that both of the options have a name (so, the labels "Option A" and "Option B"), role as selectable
, and value if the item is selected.
The test for this component is:
class SelectableTest {
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
fun setup() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
ModifiersExampleTheme {
fun hasRoleNameValue() {
val selectableElements =
// Assert accessible name
selectableElements[0].assertTextEquals("Option A")
selectableElements[1].assertTextEquals("Option B")
// Assert role
// Assert value
The structure is very similar to the previous test; first, the setup, then getting the elements, and then asserting name, role, and value. We're using the same assertTextEquals
to check the elements' labels (so, names). Similarly to the toggleable
, there are functions for asserting the role and values for the selectable
: isSelectable()
, assertIsSelected()
, and .assertIsNotSelected()
The final custom component for this blog post is a custom button that can be used to bookmark an item:
We want to ensure that it has a name (so, the text "Bookmark this item"), the role of a button, and a state that communicates whether the item is bookmarked or not.
The following tests ensure that:
class ClickableTest {
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
fun hasRoleNameValue() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
ModifiersExampleTheme {
val clickableElement =
// Assert accessible name
clickableElement.assertTextEquals("Bookmark this item")
// Assert role
SemanticsMatcher("has correct role") {
it.config.getOrNull(SemanticsProperties.Role) == Role.Button
// Assert state description
clickableElement.assertStateDescription("Not bookmarked")
private fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.assertStateDescription(
stateDescription: String
) =
SemanticsMatcher("has correct state description") {
it.config.getOrNull(SemanticsProperties.StateDescription) == stateDescription
Again, the setup and checking of the name are similar to the other two components. But to check if the component has a role of the button, we need to use a SemanticsMatcher
SemanticsMatcher is a wrapper for matching semantic nodes. We want to ensure that the element's semantic property Role
matches Role.Button
. We can do it by wrapping our check with a SemanticMatcher
, and getting the element's SemanticProperties.Role
from the element with it.config.getOrNull(SemanticsProperties.Role)
and checking its value.
The same pattern works for testing the element's state description. To avoid code duplication, I've created an extension function, assertStateDescription,
which is used to check the state description of the element.
Wrapping Up
In this blog post, we've discussed writing accessibility tests for the WCAG success criteria 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value. While they're not always relevant to mobile accessibility, this blog post aims to give an example of how to write accessibility tests.
Have you written tests for accessibility on Android? Please, share what you've learned!