Let's improve the accessibility of the basicMarquee-modifier for those who have the 'Remove animations' setting turned on, as the modifier doesn't respect the setting.
In Droidcon Berlin, I gave a talk in which I tested one app - Clue - from an accessibility perspective. This blog post summarizes the talk and results.
Many Android apps are locked to portrait mode, and that is an accessibility problem. This blog post discusses how to support both oritentations for Android apps.
Let's continue the theme of personalizing your app for users for accessibility by adding a setting to change the app theme between system default, dark, light, and high-contrast themes.
When users have different, even conflicting, needs for access, what should you do? This blog post discusses personalization as a way to solve this issue.
In this blogpost, I'll look into some considerations about font sizing, how to test it, and what are some common issues related to increased font sizes.
Making graphs accessible on Android requires some work, and in this blog post series I explore how to do that. The fourth post is about adding visible control buttons for using the graph.
Making graphs accessible on Android requires some work, and in this blog post series I explore how to do that. The third post is all about differentiating data by other means than color.
Making graphs accessible on Android requires some work, and in this blog post series I explore how to do that. The second post touches keyboard navigation and how to make it work with the example graph.
Making graphs accessible on Android requires some work, and in this blog post series I explore how to do that. The first post is about adding content descriptions for, e.g., screen readers.
In this blog post, I look at the challenges Android developers often face when it comes to developing accessible Android apps, and some proposed solutions from research.
I did a round of quick tests for four documentation tools: Swagger UI, Read the Docs, Docusaurus, and GitBook. In this blog post, I share the results of these tests.
Learning about accessibility for the first time can feel overwhelming. In this blog post, I'll share some advice I think a developer new to accessibility should learn.
I've been super tired during the spring. Again. This blog post is about how I got further away from the edge of burnout and started finding myself - and the spark - again.
Backend developers can help with accessibility too! In this blog post, I will look at some practices backend developers can do to ensure the accessibility of the end product and documentation.
Aria-label is a handy tool when there is a need to, for example, add more context for a link to screen-reader users. However, it doesn't work with all HTML elements. In this blog post, I discuss its usage.
We, as developers, tend to develop sites unconsciously for people like us. This often means a sighted mouse user, who has good fine motor skills. I'll share some checks a developer can do while developing to ensure a bit more accessible sites or apps.
Raising awareness of accessibility is important. I mean, if we, who are creating the web, aren't aware of these things, how sites and apps we do could be accessible?